Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Questions from the Congregation - Part 11

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [00:21] - Q: Why was Zechariah “punished” for questioning God, but others- Gideon- were not?

  2. [01:58] - Q: How old do you believe the earth is? If man has been here since the first week, did we coexist with dinosaurs?

    A: Based on the genealogies recorded, 6-10K years old. Yes, according to Gen 1:24-31 God created dinosaurs and man on the same day living together. A fossil record also supports both man and dinosaur living together.

  3. [08:58] - Q: Where do animals go when they die?
    A: See Eccl 3:21 which alludes to the concept of the spirit of man and beast. Rev 21:6 notes that we will be fully satisfied in heaven. Book suggestion by Randy Alcorn “Heaven”

  4. [12:01] - Q: Do you have any suggestions on Bible reading programs for the start of the new year? What works, what doesn't, etc? And how do you guard against this discipline becoming just a mechanical exercise?
    A: Read what you’re in the mood for from the bible to keep yourself engaged.

  5. [14:29] - LIVE AUDIENCE Q: Why is demon possession primarily mentioned in the New Testament versus the Old Testament?

  6. [15:20] - LIVE AUDIENCE Q: Do you think there is anything the church has failed to do with our societal confusion with sexuality and gender confusion situation?
    A: See the excellent sermon from Pastor Jeremiah on homosexuality and how we’re to respond as Christians.

  7. [22:01] - Q: Short-term vs long-term missions work, what the right balance between the 2 should be, when does helping sometimes hurt (in the case of short-term trips being more about the people going than the ones being served, a team coming in with their own agenda rather than local partnership... etc).

  8. [25:50] - Q: After a spouse dies, does the surviving spouse love in the same way again? If there is another love, will it be the same or will it be a different love?

  9. [27:51] - Q: Why do you think church people struggle with those who might not be led by the same life choices? Ex (view-meaning) married people to singles: When are you going to settle down and marry? or Parents to Newlyweds: When are the babies coming? Maybe that isn't where the Lord is leading.

  10. [29:10] - Q: When I'm struggling with a life situation where God doesn't seem to be answering, why do people tell me, "you just need to have more faith"? It just makes my pain worse.

    A: It’s not about the amount of faith you have, but whom you have your faith in. See Matt 17:21

  11. [31:24] - Q: In Job 38:7 the Bible says the morning stars sang together. Jesus and Lucifer are both referred to as "the morning star" in Revelation and Isaiah, so who is being mentioned here?
    A: The morning star in this context refers to God’s angels in a general sense, no specific angel or person. Job 38:7 specifically is a reminder to Job that He is God and we are not!

  12. [32:51] - Q: What is the church's response on protecting kids from sexual immorality NOW in this sex driven culture? Some possible ideas; promote early marriage to avoid temptation? Also what can parents do to help?

    A: Parents are the disciple-makers of their children. The source of authority is always God’s Word and it’s the parents’ responsibility to sow God’s Word into their own children’s hearts.

  13. [35:45] - Q: Do you think today’s church has replaced Israel?"
    A: No, see Romans 11

  14. [37:01] - Q: What was the reason/symbolism/significance of baptism when JTB was baptising? Was baptism a new thing? How did the aspect/act of getting baptized help? Repentance of sins was encouraged. What did the priests/sanhedrin/pharisees think about JTB doing this? How did JTB create baptism? Was he the first or was this a new thing?
    A: John’s baptism was for repentance and to prepare the way for the Messiah, see Acts 19:4 and Luke 3.

  15. [39:52] - LIVE TXT Q: When we pray, are we only to address God the Father, or can we also pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

    A: We are praying to God the Father in Jesus’ name while the Holy Spirit also prays with us.

  16. [40:36] - LIVE TXT Q: Who / what are angels?
    A: Eternal beings that God created for His glory.

  17. [41:35] - LIVE TXT Q: What are your thoughts about people who claim to cast out demons or perform exorcisms?
    A: See Eph 6

  18. [42:44] - LIVE TXT Q: Luke 11:12-14 tells of Jesus cursing the fig tree for not having figs. However, it was not fig season. Why would Jesus do this? How is this different from Christians not having a specific spiritual gift, such as teaching? Are we still expected to teach?
    A: The Holy Spirit gives gifts as God provides them. See the sermon on the fig tree from Pastor Jeff as we studied the book of Mark.
    See James 3 on a warning to teachers and a fantastic sermon on this topic by Michael Wolski.

  19. [44:36] - LIVE TXT Q: Due to abortion being a so controversial, and in my opinion a human rights issue, ...1. what does the Bible say about pre-born life? (Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5). 2. The church does need to speak truth in love, but is this an instance, like slavery, where we need to get more involved directly?

    A: This is a modern day version of child sacrifice to demons as outlined in the Old Testament

    Any question that was missed due to time constraints during the service Pastor Jeff will address the answer
    on the blog.

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Q&A Service - Part 11 Jeff Miller / Mark Ort

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

Review the questions submitted above. Discuss any of these that stuck out to you, or that maybe your group finds particularly interesting.

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another!