
2018 Arrow Fall Retreat Recap

39 hours, 18 students, 1 survivor! No, this wasn’t the latest twist on the long-running reality show. CBS’s “Survivor” was theme of the 2018 Arrow Fall Retreat, and it was definitely “worth playing for”. The Arrow Fall Retreat is an annual reality-check for Harvest students and any friends that they invite; a temporary pause on the routine of life for a focused jolt of gospel truth. Each year, the complete message of sin, salvation, and sanctification is presented during a weekend of food, fun, and fellowship.

This year, in spite of a van accident, a fall snow & ice storm, and a near county-wide power outage, the retreat successfully ensued bringing glory to our Great God! With Survivor as the theme of our skits and the backdrop of the messages, God ripped through the veils of our individual, reality-tv-show lives to reveal a higher reality of what Christ has done for each of us in His life, death, and resurrection. In response, many students made recommitments to Christ and some may have even heard this for the first time! God be praised for His ever-present faithfulness and love! It was also great to “form an alliance” with Harvest Community Church leaders and students to expand the impact of this weekend. Special thanks to Fred Neal for making this “merge” happen!

Oh, and because of the growing fan following of Arrow skits, we will be airing the “Survivor: Hands Of Fate” Season during the 2019 HBCPN Annual Chili Cookoff in January. You don’t want to miss out on which castaway ends up as the sole survivor - if you do, you might get voted off the island. Sorry, the tribe has spoken…