Didn't make the cut, or "Bonus Sermon Material from Sunday".

Didn't Make the Final Cut:

The hard part of preaching isn't coming up with content.

The hard part of preaching isn't “what am I going to say?”. It's actually “what am I going to cut?”. That's why some sermons seem like pastors get paid by the word.

So I've decided to take some material that got cut and put it on the blog. If Murphy comes up with the technology, maybe someday we can put this material on the sermon podcast and feature “Director's Cut” editions of sermons.

Here was a chunk that got cut from “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”:

"We can lose the impact of hell when we teach on it, because in our day: hell has no fury, because we have trivialized it.

We tell jokes about it, it is depicted in cartoons, it's just a word that makes it into our casual conversations! My knee hurts like hell, that was a hell of a game, he is one hell of a hard worker.

Hell has no fury because we have trivialized it, and people don't know what the Bible actually says about it. People are blissfully ignorant! I have heard many people say regarding hell I know I'm going there, and that's okay – all of my friends will be there.

Such a foolish and tragic statement! You have no idea how horrible hell is! The Bible says it is a place of darkness, weeping, gnashing of teeth, and eternal torment."

I believe all of this is true, but for the sermon Sunday, it didn't fit with the rest of it the way I hoped it would. So it got cut.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jeff

Our First Baptism in the New Worship Center!!

On December 3rd 2017, Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North celebrated our first baptism service in our new building!!!
This is a continuation of the many blessings God has provided us during TheNext3!!

Three of our very our members declared their faith in obedience to Jesus Christ through baptism. Enjoy the video below of lives being changed through this Biblical act of faith.

Thank you to North Way Christian Community for the gift of a baptismal!

We look forward to using it in many services like these in the future, and continuing to minister to the Wexford community along side you.

Q&A Day! The One Question We Didn't Cover.

We ran out of time before we answered all the questions, as usual - but NOT "as usual", we covered all of the questions except ONE! (That's a record.) Here's the last one: 


I believe the question was meant to say "Why didn't". There are at least 3 key points to address:

1 – Yes, Jesus loves everyone, no matter who they are. We strive to follow that example as a church. I do as an individual. Let's affirm that first, that the issue has nothing to do with "does Jesus / HBC / Jeff" love homosexual people. We do. 

2 – Jesus didn't say a single word about it? Well, Jesus didn't give a list of everything that's sinful. The Bible would be ridiculously long and unreadable if that were the case. Nor did Jesus say "rape is sinful" or "sex with an animal is sinful" (but I think we naturally understand both of these are true).

Instead, Jesus cleared the whole marriage and sexuality issue up with one statement: Matthew 19:3-6 – this is God's plan for marriage – nothing else. One man, one woman, one lifetime. (Jesus was quoting Genesis 2:24). 

And 1 & 2 are not incompatible. You can still love someone even if you disagree about something. 

3 – One other thing to address is the point of bring "born this way". Yes, we are all born with a bent to sin – Romans 5:12, Isaiah 53:6. It may differ from person to person, but I agree that these tendencies are things that we are born with. The good news is these are things we don't have to live with. See 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. 

Great question!
If you missed Sunday, be sure to listen to the all of the questions and answers for this fun service HERE!

-Pastor Jeff