Joshua: Courage.

Introduction / Review:

What do you Fear?

  • Future
  • Failure
  • Foe

There's No Fear!

  1. There's no fear when God's Presence is With me. (Josh 1:1-6)
  2. There's no fear when God's Word is In me. (Josh 1:7-9)

    How do I get God's Word in Me?

    • Memorize it!
    • Meditate on it!
    • Move on it!
  3. There's no fear when God's People are Behind me. (Josh 1:10-18)

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Small Group Discussion

Read Joshua 1:1-18

  1. Define fear, be specific. Why are we all so susceptible to fear?

  2. How does meditating on the Word drive out fear (Joshua 1:18, see also Psalm 1:2-3)

  3. What do you fear in this current chapter of your life? How are you seeking the Lord to be delivered from it? (Psalm 34:4)


How are you currently working on memorizing and meditating on God's Word? How have you been convicted to move on what God is teaching you?

Moses: Dependence.

Introduction / Review:

Depending on the Lord Means... (Exodus 4:1-17)

  1. Depending on the Lord means letting go of your Past. (Ex 4:1-9)
  2. Depending on the Lord means letting go of your Excuses . (Ex 4:1-12)
  3. Depending on the Lord means letting go of your Will . (Ex 4:13-17)

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Small Group Discussion

Read Exodus 4:1-17

  1. Tell of a time you KNEW God wanted you to do something - and you didn’t want to do it.

  2. Have you ever felt a physical problem kept you from being what you (or God!) wanted you to be?

  3. Do you believe that if God calls you to something, and you won’t do it, He will just move on to someone else? How did that scenario work out for Moses?


Pray for one another to learn greater dependence on the Lord!

Joseph: Trust.


Ephesians 1:11who works all things according to the counsel of His will

Romans 8:28 - And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Three other factors:

  1. Sin
  2. Time
  3. Purpose

God doesn't cause the evil, but He brings something good from it.

When I Choose to Trust that God is in Control... (Genesis 50:15-21)

  1. I don't need to be in Control. (Gen 50:19)
  2. I can see the Good He has done. (Gen 50:20)
  3. I am free to just Love people. (Gen 50:21)

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Small Group Discussion

Read Genesis 50:15-21

  1. Do you believe God is sovereign over all that happens, or just some of what happens? Do you believe man's free will can interfere with God's plan? Be honest. How do your beliefs line up with Joseph's in this passage?

  2. God uses evil done to us - ultimately for good. How can a victim of abuse or rape honestly believe God can and will use that for good?

  3. Name a time that you saw God use the actions of an evil person to ultimately bring something good.


Tell of the hardest time you've ever had to forgive someone. How did you do it? Pray for one another that you each can have a heart of forgiveness and trust in God's sovereign will.

Abraham: Faith.


Faith is: Believing the Word of God, no matter how I feel, because God promises a good result.

3 Reasons Faith is Difficult. (Genesis 22:1-28)
  1. Faith doesn't make (human) Sense. (Gen 22:1-2)
  2. Faith means Doing hard things. (Gen 22:3-8)
  3. Faith requires Total commitment. (Gen 22:9-12)

Faith is always Rewarded.

Hebrews 11:17-19 - By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who hadrecieved the promise was in the act of offering up his only son, of whom it was said "Through Isaac shall your offspring be named." He considered that God was able from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did recieve him back.

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Small Group Discussion

Read Genesis 22:1-18

  1. Define “faith”. What are some wrong ideas about what faith is?

  2. Why did God test Abraham (Gen 22:1)? Does God still test people today? Do you believe God has ever tested you?

  3. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done because of your faith?

Is there any area YOU have struggled to be “100% all in”? Be honest, encouraging, and judgment-free! Pray for one another to over-come that struggle area of faith.

Life after Salvation: Where's the Effort?


Three Parts to Salvation (2 Peter 1:3-10)

  • Justification: Past
  • Sanctification: Present
  • Glorification: Future

Results When Every Effort is Made:

  1. Making every effort results in Spiritual Maturity. (2 Pet 1:8)
  2. Jeremiah 29:13 - "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."

  3. Making every effort keeps us from Habitual Sin. (2 Pet 1:9)
  4. Making every effort produces Confidence in our salvation. (2 Pet 1:10)

Ryan Stroupe - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North Small Groups Ministry Leader

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 2 Peter 1:3-10

  1. Why should we want to do more than just "punch our ticket to Heaven"? What would you say to someone that doesn't want to do more than the bare minimum to get to Heaven?

  2. Why do we as Christians ignore Sanctification and focus on Justification and Glorification?

  3. As Small Groups what are some practical ways we can assist a fellow Christian or Small Group Member get past a habitual sin? 

  4. What are ways we can teach our children to start making every effort at a young age, i.e. teenagers?

  5. How much effort do you put into your relationship with God compared to other areas of your life? Would you say God is outside your house, in your "Good Room", or is running your entire house?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.