When You Provoke God...


3 Ways to Provoke God (Jeremiah 32:26-42):

  1. Turn your Back to God, not your Face. (Jer 32:33a)

    See: Romans 1:21

  2. Ignore God's Word . (Jer 32:33b)
  3. Set up your Abominations . (Jer 32:34-35)

God's Response When We Provoke Him:

  1. We Reap what we Sow . (Jer 32:36)

    See: Gal 6:7

  2. God Redeems what we Reap . (Jer 32:37)

    See: Romans 8:28

Our Response to God's Response:

  1. Be His People . (Jer 32:38-39)
  2. Buy the Field . (Jer 32:40-41)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
Read Jeremiah 32:26-42

  1. What kinds of ways do we provoke God as a nation? As the Church? And as individuals?

  2. Describe your reaction to God's responses when we provoke Him?

  3. How have you seen God redeem the consequences that we reap?

  4. What does it mean to you to "Be His People"? How is the Holy Spirit convicting you to grow in this?

  5. What does it mean to you to "Buy The Field"? How is the Holy Spirit convicting you to grow in this?

What abominations in your life have you set up or have been set up around you? What are you going to do about them? Pray for one another to be God's people and serve Him always.