Questions and Answers

Questions from the Congregation - Part 8

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [04:47] - Q: Do you believe we can get signs, messages from loved ones who die? Can we communicate with them? Can mediums?
    A: See Deut 18:9-12 | Matt 6:9 | John 14:13 | Rom 8:26

  2. [07:30] - Q: My fellow Christian family members continue to make statements that loved ones who have passed are now angels or they're guardian angels & are leaving them signs that they are okay and watching over them. I know that humans and angels are distinctly separated & that we don't become angels. How do I respond or am I wrong?
    A: See Rev 14:13 | Heb 13:2

  3. [11:21] - Q: What do the Jehovah's Witnesses reference from the Bible in that they don't take blood products?

  4. [13:55] - Q: Calvinism, Arminianism, or Molinism? What is Harvest's position on these views?
    A: See Deut 30:19 | 2 Cor 5:20 | John 6:37 | Deut 29:29

  5. [21:05] - Q: Why do some preachers only ever preach about God's love and never about His judgement? (Note: Live from the audience question. The question was not captured on the recording, only the answer was.)
    A: See Deut 30:19 | 2 Cor 5:20 | John 6:37 | Deut 29:29

  6. [23:48] - Q: Can you further explain how God mourns and is saddened with us when tragedy occurs in our lives and how He may not command for these things to happen, but allows it because of the sinful world we live in?
    A: See: John 11:35 - Jesus Wept.

  7. [28:12] - Q: Describe the differences between "death", "sheol", "hades" and "the lake of fire". What does Rev 20:14 mean when it says that death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire?
    A: See: Matt 11:23 | Luke 16:19-23

  8. [35:32] - Q: Being in High School I am constantly surrounded by the "do what you think is right" mentality. That being said, how can I be confident in what the Bible says is right and wrong?
    A: See John 7:17 | Judges 21:25

    This question was missed due to time constraints during the service. Pastor Jeff will address this in a blog posting on the website. Check back for a link later.
    Why did Jesus (in the whole New Testament) not say a single word about being gay but he condemned adultery and many other things. Did Jesus love gay people who were born this way?

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Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

Review the questions submitted above. Discuss any of these that stuck out to you, or that maybe your group finds particularly interesting.

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another for a Christ-seeking, Christ-exalting New Year!

Questions from the Congregation - Part 7

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [06:36] - Q: What has been Harvest's response (both here and Chicago) to the growing ecumenical movement (unity movement, Manhattan declaration, etc) and evangelical Christian pastors who've signed onto it? Should we stop listening to pastors and Christian bands who've been taking part of this (People that have spread the gospel but have made weird declarations that go against Sola Scriptura). The more oddities I hear, the more I fear having my ear tickled and thinking I am being fed, when in actuality, they're wolf in sheep's clothing.
  2. [10:43] - Q: What does the Bible say about worshipping God as a congregation on Sunday versus Saturday? Why has there been a shift in churches offering both Sunday and Saturday services? Is this Biblical?
    A: See Acts 20:7 - On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together...
  3. [20:18] - Q: What is up with the thousand years? What is the purpose and why or when is Satan released?
    A: See Revelation 20:1-10
  4. [21:55] - Q: Why does God allow Satan to exist? Why can't Satan be destroyed and killed? Then there would be forever peace on earth.
    A: See 2 Corinthians 12:1  |  Job 1-2 |  Revelation 20:10
  5. [25:21] - Q: In Numbers 13:33, the scouts that Moses sent into the Promised Land reported, "We saw Nephilim there…" How did the Nephilim survive the flood of Noah's time?
    A: See: Joshua 15:14 - And Caleb drove out from there the three sons of Anak, Sheshai and Ahiman and Talmai, the descendants of Anak.
  6. [30:00] - Q: In Matthew 27:52-53, when Jesus was crucified and died, it says, "The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people." Besides the fact that this represented a miraculous sign (like the tearing of the temple curtain) drawing attention to Jesus' resurrection, is there some significance to this event? It seems odd to me that we frequently hear about the temple curtain, the daytime darkness, and the earthquake that accompanied Christ's death, but this raising of the dead is rarely mentioned.
  7. [37:46] - Q: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 seems to indicate that women are not permitted to speak in church. What is the correct interpretation and application of this passage?
    A: See 1 Timothy 2:12-1

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

Review and discuss any of the questions and answers given on Sunday's Q&A day together. Have you found any additional biblical support for the answers given?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Questions from the Congregation - Part 6

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [03:02] - Q: How long were Adam and Eve in the Garden before the fall?
    A: See Genesis 4:1 - Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, "I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord."
  2. [04:13] - Q: Was there pain before the fall?
    A: See Genesis 3:16 - ...I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing...
  3. [06:53] - Q: What is your favorite color?
    A: Grey (U.K. must be a Chicora thing)
  4. [07:19] - Q: God has created us to glorify Himself. What do I say to someone who says     this is selfish of God?
    A: John Piper - "God's passion for His glory is the essence of His love for us."
  5. [12:00] - Q: Can you explain the basics of what it means to be the spiritual head of the household? How does a man successfully do this? Also, are there any study aids that reference relevant scriptures on this subject?
    A: See: 1 Corinthians 11:3 - ...the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband…
    Ephesians 5:23 - For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.
    Genesis 3:16 - …your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.
    1 Timothy 5:8 – But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
  6. [18:20] - Q: What happened to Enoch?
    A: See Genesis 5:24 - Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.
    Hebrews 11:5 - By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God.
  7. [20:17] - Q: In Ezra, 8:15, what is the significance of stating that none of the sons of Levi were present?
    A: See Ezra 8:15
  8. [25:00] - Q: Can you please squash the "Abraham's bosom" doctrine so I can share this with people who tell me I'm wrong.
    A: See Luke 16:19
  9. [29:03] - Q: As a Christian, do we need to follow the Ten Commandments to be pleasing to God, and to be blessed by Him?
    A: See Ephesians 1:3  |  2 Cor 5:21  |  Rom 8:1-5
  10. [33:30] - Q: If murder is a sin, does that make the military or killing in self-defense sinful?
    A: See Numbers 35:9
  11. [36:06] - Q: What kinds of things did Jesus do for fun? What did he find     funny/entertaining?

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

Review and discuss any of the questions and answers given on Sunday's Q&A day together. Have you found any additional biblical support for the answers given?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Questions and Answers - Part 5

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [01:32] - Q: Can you do whatever you want to in heaven?
  2. [02:35] - Q: How did we get the Bible we have today (with books, chapters, and verse numbers)?
    A: See Luke 24:44
  3. [06:49] - Q: If infant baptism is not Biblical, what is the justification of so many churches/denominations practicing it? What is the history/origin of the practice?
    A: See Acts 2:37
  4. [13:39] - Q: What’s your favorite cliché that Dan Smith uses?
    A: "Prayerlessness is carelessness!"
    A: "Hell is too long to be wrong, so you better get it right!"
  5. [17:22] - Q: Can Christians lose their Salvation?
    A: No! See: John 10:28-30 and 1 John 2, security (the fact: objective) vs. assurance (the feeling: subjective) 
  6. [21:12] - Q: So if you are supposed to be able to see Jesus in heaven, how can that happen? The bible says that He is so bright you can't look at Him or see Him.
    A: See Rev 1
  7. [21:58] - Q: Please discuss what the Bible says about why women of all ages should dress modestly.
    A: See 1 Tim 2: 9-10, Rom 14:13. Modesty = having regard for others
  8. [26:05] - Q: Other than His birth, what reliable history is out there about the childhood, teen, and younger man years of Jesus? Since much of that isn't in the Bible...I think...
    And if it is not in the Bible, should we assume not to trust it anything else that is out there?
    A: See John 2:11, Luke 2:41
  9. [29:34] - Q: Can you explain the term "ministry" and broad examples of ministries?
    Can I make something that I love, that isn't "churchy," a ministry that is God-honoring and valuable in a Kingdom perspective?
    A: Ministry = service in the name of the Lord with the mindset of advancing His kingdom or glorifying His name.
  10. [33:11] - Q: Can we pray to the Holy Spirit, that is asking for wisdom or discernment, or are we only supposed to direct our prayers to God the Father. And what is the biblical basis for this?
    A: See Matt 6, Luke 11 (Jesus teaches how to pray), John 17 (Jesus praying), John 14:14 (Jesus teaching prayer to God the Father), Rom 8:26 (the Holy Spirit prays with us), John 15:16 (we pray in the name of the Son). No biblical basis to pray to anyone else.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

Review and discuss the questions and answers given on Sunday's Q&A day together. Have you found any additional biblical support for the answers given?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Questions from the Congregation - Part 4

Note: The time signatures [00:00] below indicate the start of a question if you'd like to skip to a particular one of interest in the audio file.

  1. [01:33] - Q: Can you explain the meaning/symbolism of the new Harvest Vertical Church logo? Is there any military/militia inspiration or hidden meaning to its design?
  2. [04:27] - Q: In Mark 3:17, Jesus calls James and John, sons of Zebedee, "Sons of Thunder". (BLB says Greek "Boanereges" comes from 2 Aramaic root words meaning "son, child | rage".) Was it     their zeal and passion for the Lord that earned them this nickname, a reference to fiery personalities given to hot-headedness, or both?
    A: Luke 9:51
  3. [07:24] - Q: Some people feel it is important for all of us to use a supernatural language today. Please help us to understand this. Thank you.
    A: 1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14
  4. [08:58] - Q: What exactly is happening at the Lord’s supper? Real presence? Just remembrance?
    A: Hebrews 9:25-26, 1 Corinthians 11:25
  5. [13:44] - Q: What are some Bible references for people who have made wrong decisions     but God continued to love and provide for them? I am looking for     some hope that all is not lost because of my wrong decisions. The Psalms seem to address when people are being persecuted for their faith. thank you.
    A: (David) - 2 Samuel 11, (Peter) - John 21, (Paul) - 1 Timothy 1:15-16
  6. [22:33] - Q: What do you think about the “new perspective on Paul”?
    A: 2 Corinthians 5:21, Philippians 3:8-9
  7. [27:10] - Q: What do you think about the documentary hypothesis? Like is it ok to believe or no?
    A: (Jesus) - Mark 12:28, (Peter) - Acts 3:22, (Paul) - Romans 10:5
  8. [29:05] - Q: What is the lesson & significance of Jacob’s ladder?
    A: Genesis 28:10-22
  9. [30:43] - Q: What is Satanism? How does it tie into the Bible?

  10. Q: Does David seem to show signs of arrogance in some of the things he writes in the Psalms? For example, Ps. 18: 20-24, “The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness;, according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me. For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I have not turned away from his decrees. I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin. The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.” NIV I know David is known as the man after God’s own heart, but every time I read this passage, I feel like David is saying he DESERVED God’s blessing. Am I wrong?
    A: [Check Pastor Jeff's Blog soon for an answer]
  11. [34:12] - Q: Did God know Adam and Eve would sin? Did God create hell before or after the first sin?
    A: Isaiah 46:9-10, Revelation 13:8, 1 Peter 1:18-20, Matthew 25:41-46

Note: Read Jeff's blog for the answer to this questions that he was unable to get to during this Q&A service.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

  1. Discuss any of the questions (and answers) from Sunday outlined above. Reflect on the answers given. How would you answer these?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.